Our Covenant
Delhi Bible Fellowship Covenant of Membership
We do, in the presence of men, confess Christ as our Saviour and Lord; and do give ourselves heartily to His service, and take His Word as the rule of our life. And having been united by faith to Him, we do now, as a Church of Christ, unite with one another in this Covenant.
We shall observe habitually secret prayer and the reading of the Scriptures, earnestly seeking therein the help of the Holy Spirit.
We, who are the heads of the families, shall maintain the worship of God in our homes and shall endeavour to lead our children, or others committed to our charge, to faith in Christ and to the Christian life.
We shall attend regularly, as far as Providence permits, the public worship of God on the Lord’s Day, and such meetings of worship as the Church may appoint, and we shall observe together with the ordinance of the Lord’s Supper.
We shall walk together in brotherly love, with Christian sympathy and kindness, and shall admonish and help one another as may be needful. We shall not bring to the Church a complaint against any member for personal trespass or offence until we have taken the first and second steps pointed out by Christ (Mt. 18:15-17), thus endeavouring to settle all private offences without publicity.
We shall aid, as the Lord shall prosper us, in supporting a faithful Christian ministry among us, and in sending the Gospel to the whole human family; and as we have the opportunity, we shall seek by example and word to lead men to Christ.
We shall endeavour to live soberly and righteously and godly in this present world, abstaining from whatever is unbecoming to the Christian character, and as baptism signifies death to sin and resurrection to holiness, so shall we seek to walk in newness of life.