Crosswalk is a young working adults' ministry of DBF South. They are a group of around 15-25 people who meet on the 1st & 3rd Saturdays of every month. The goal and purpose of this ministry is to edify one another with strong biblical teaching and to help facilitate and build relationships within the group and the larger church. This ministry is currently led by Arun, Johnson, Madhulika and Nathaniel.
In the last year we studied several books and passages from the Bible. We looked at 1 & 2 Thessalonians, first 8 chapters of Mark’s Gospel, 1 Timothy, Beatitudes (Mathew 5) and we also looked at several topics and held a few prayer sessions.
In the effort to build people up spiritually, many Crosswalk members were given the opportunity to lead in various capacities – Bible studies, prayer, testimony sharing, etc. The members are always willing to step in and serve. In the area of friendships, we have seen a few new people join the group.
To encourage more fellowship, we organized a picnic in March and also organized several dinners and hang outs for members after church and during the week. We, as a group, also had opportunities to help different members with finances, discipleship and informal one-on-one counselling.
Call Arun at 8588012054 or
drop us an email at
Alternate Saturdays @5:30 pm